

četrtek, november 2

Vesolje & Amerika

Nekateri med vami menite, da smo bili kamnogoričani prvi v vesolju... mhm... mogoče.... in da se vozimo z raketami... ja... to pa je res... ampak tudi na Zemlji nismo tako slabi.
Prvi Slovenec, ki je stopil na območje današnjih ZDA je bil Kamnogoričan, pa če verjamete ali ne.

Ob 500 letnici Kolumbovega odkritja sta v Sloveniji izšli dve znamki: ena s Kolumbom, druga z Markom Antonom Kappusom.

Tukaj pa nekej z neta:

This commemorates the work of the Jesuit missionary P. Mark Anton Kappus (1657-1717) of Kamna Gorica who worked in the Sonora country (northern Mexico) at the end of the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century.
In a letter dated 8 June 1701 that Kappus sent to his friend Philippus Alberth in Vienna Kappus was the first to report that California was not an island, as was generally believed at the time, but rather a peninsula, and thus a part of the North American continent.

in še nekaj:

The first proven settler of mixed Slovenian-Croatian ancestry was Ivan Ratkaj, a Jesuit priest who reached the New World in 1680. He was followed by Mark Anton Kappus, S. J., who came to America in 1687 and distinguished himself as missionary, educator, writer, and explorer.

A zdej verjamete? ;)
